Home /Be prepared when venturing out in the woods
News14 April 2021
By Darren Lum
Last month two lost hikers needed to be rescued by the OPP in the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands Provincial Park. It was a reminder of the dangers related to venturing into the woods when not prepared.
Even before the recent provincial stay-at-home order, Ontario Parks wanted the public to limit travel and adhere to provincial recommendations said Natalie McMorrow, park superintendent for the Queen Elizabeth II Wildlands, Balsam Lake and Indian Point.
“As much as people love to visit Ontario Parks, we are still hoping people will limit travel to follow provincial guidelines at the time, depending on where we’re at with COVID-19. We’re encouraging everyone to do their part by minimizing their risk to ourselves and others by continuing to follow public health advice,” she said. “We certainly know we’re having visitors, but we just want to make sure that everyone is taking steps to reduce