It wasnt him but thats the only way he was ever mentioned again. Otherwise the subject was to boo. It is british and youre going to get us to believe those were the worst years of the civil war which devastated the country the police and the army were fighting against the Guerillas Thousands of people were abducted Forty Five Thousand around the whole country Forty Five Thousand and those are just the ones who disappeared but if another Two Hundred Thousand died the population of quite a model was Eight Million at the time they needed pontiff to unity and. It was the most brutal repression of a people ever endured in Latin America at the moment. Already
doing as you were here a lot back then i already see the reaction in the media yes with my family usually with my brother to see whether our Brother Rubin was amongst the bodies that were brought here marked double x. In other words the nameless book at the door a lot of people here and look to the lot of bodies of a more cohesive your
gio s name in the newspaper we knew it was time to abandon all hope since then we only refer to them as devils murderers and swine. the else. who sees it. it is of course painful to look through the logbook its pages demonstrate how much these people who wanted to change the country suffered. but it is also about our relatives and about revealing parts of our history like little fidelis is a lot of money is better than the store and at the same time we have first hand proof in the form of a document we can take to a judge and say here is the proof what more do you need. to get. thanks to the diorio merely town and we were able to bring the first legal actions but the military denied everything and the judges were still afraid not one person