Seven Gables to host Nathaniel Hawthorne book club
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The House of the Seven Gables will host a book club for those looking to read Nathaniel Hawthorne, hosted by Will Demick, visitor services specialist with an expertise in 19th century American literature.
For some readers, Hawthorne’s 19th century stylized writing can feel more like a locked door than a welcome mat, so at this book club members will read Hawthorne and some of his shorter, more upbeat work. Once a month, The Gables Book Club meets virtually to talk about something by Hawthorne.
“It’s very casual,” says Demick. “I give a little introduction and some background, and then we discuss. Last month we read ‘Twenty Days with Julian & Little Bunny By Papa,’ and it was a lot of fun.”
With friends and an upbeat Gables’ guide as your companions
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Admit it, you want to read Nathaniel Hawthorne, Salem’s revered native son but something stops you. It could be that for many readers, Hawthorne’s 19th century stylized writing can feel more like a locked door than a welcome mat. The good news is, The House of the Seven Gables gets it and this spring and summer they have come up with a fun way to help
people get to know Nathaniel Hawthorne and some of his shorter, more upbeat work.
Will Demick, Visitor Services Specialist with an expertise in 19th century American literature, will be your guide. Once a month, The Gables Book Club meets virtually to talk about something by Hawthorne.