and his little brother hunter, had a concussion, possibly permanent damage. their dad, well, he had just been elected to the senate but the senate didn t mean a damn thing to him anymore. he wouldn t leave that hospital for weeks except at night. the hospital was in a tough neighborhood cramer wrote, bad streets and dark. if the boys could sleep, joe and his brother, jimmy, would walk those streets half the night, they would tell the nurses they were going out for pizza, but they wouldn t eat. they didn t even talk. the sound was share shoes on grit or broken glass. joe was hoping someone would jump out in front of the sally, come at him would he have killed the guy. he was looking for a fight. there was no place for his rage. sometimes he thought it would be easier if he were the only one left. then he could kill himself. but it was the boys that kept him alive. biden talked about these days at the wake for massachusetts senator ted kennedy in 2009.