points. you have to keep playing offense. it feels like sometimes she s holding the ball. and when her back was against the wall going out of new hampshire in 2008 she went on the offense and we all said it around here every day. she was one of the best natural political candidates we ever saw. patrick j. buchanan hum self said one himself said one of the best plur athletes he ever saw during the runs. and pat knows a thing or two about presidential candidates. yeah. she was great in the spring of 2008. that s the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose. and that was a situation where she had to play to win. now she s in a different situation. all right. up next he s joining forces with presidential candidate rand paul on an always heated topic on capitol hill. senator james langford explains next on morning joe.
of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. new bayer pro the only difference: that little blue thingy. you see it? that s a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it s needed. in a night, it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it s been burning energy all night. for frank. frank s a cat. now, two things that are exactly the same, have never been more different.
where the two people who love james holmes the most have wrapped up their plea to spare the life of the man who killed 12 people inside a colorado movie theater. i understand he has a serious mental illness that he didn t ask for that schizophrenia chose him. he didn t choose it. and i still love my son. i still do. two streetlights. the only difference: that little blue thingy. you see it? that s a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it s needed. in a night it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it s been burning energy all night. for frank. frank s a cat. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized.
the only difference: that little blue thingy. you see it? that s a sensor. using ge software, the light can react to its environment- getting brighter only when it s needed. in a night, it saves a little energy. but, in a year it saves a lot. and the other street? it s been burning energy all night. for frank. frank s a cat. now, two things that are exactly the same, have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized.
the contrast between what the democrat agenda is and republican agenda. on the republican side you have a spectrum on some issues. some people want to have a pathway to some sort of normalization for mexican undocumented immigrants. some people want to electrify a fence. that s a bit of breathing room there between the two. but compare that with hillary clinton s pathway to citizenship for everybody who is here as an undocumented immigrant you. have a huge difference in vision for the country. i m kind of excited to exmrrplore that. i would look to get to that point. i would like to see hillary clinton debating ted cruz early on. ted cruz would like that too. a set of one-on-ones very early on. you know no holds barred. rick would you endorse that? i would endorse a thunderdome style, no holds barred lights out match, folding chairs ladders, people off the turnbuckles. think it s got great legs.