05/10/2023 - The industry section of the festival will offer customised programmes and networking opportunities for emerging professionals from Greece and abroad
25/09/2023 - La 19e édition du marché de la coproduction d'Agora a sélectionné 15 projets, et lance l'initiative Bridge to the North, avec comme premier pays invité la Lituanie
25/09/2023 - The 19th edition of Agora’s co-production section has selected 15 projects, while the Bridge to the North initiative is being launched with the first participating country set to be Lithuania
25/09/2023 - La 19.ª edición del mercado de coproducción de Agora ha seleccionado 15 proyectos, y lanza la iniciativa Bridge to the North con Lituania como el primer país participante