Kohima, October 12 (MExN): The Rotary Club Kohima (RCK) donated a sanitary napkin vending machine to Government High School New Market, Kohima on October 12.
Submitted by Alan Shuttleworth
From left, back row, are Katie Kohler, Superintendent/Principal of Chicago Park School and Alan Shuttleworth, Literacy Chair of the Colfax Lions Club. Front row, from left, are Kindle winnders Lyla Deacon, grade 6; Claire DePew, grade 4; Brooklynn Johnson, grade 3; and Kodi Mayfield, grade 1. Absent from the photo is Mason Nies, grade 7.
The Chicago Park School has conducted a Reading Incentive Program for many years. In more recent times, the school’s PTA organization has stepped up the pace and has supported a “Readathon” with a series of student awards as well as sponsoring a concurrent fundraising effort.