more than 600,000 human beings hard working men and women, parents and children. grandmothers and grandfathers. they live in baltimore. they live in that city. imagine if that was your family. that the president is insulting. cummings doesn t have to imagine. you know why? he s the son of former sharecroppers. he was born and raised in baltimore. but the president insults him and degrades an entire community. doubles down by incredibly calling chairman cummings himself racist. by the way it s really rich for this president to be slamming baltimore calling it rat infested. since his son-in-law and his seen your adviser jared kushner family business owns thousands of baltimore apartments. apartments with a history of code violations. including rodent infestation. it s particularly ironic that the president is making comments when we know in 2017 that his
thomas were both behind bars facing charges connected to the killing. but did investigators have the whole story? for years, they had suspected russell s wife was involved in the crime. with the case heading to rt could, she would be forced to answer the questions. when she took the stand. once again, here s josh. once again, here s josh. jim huden and peggy thomas were charged with the murder of russel douglas in the summer of 2011. from that moment, whidbey island prosecutor greg banks had been hoping they would turn on each other and spill the details of what had happened on the day russel was killed. that was the plan. but that didn t happen. did not happen. because why? they re still in love? they wouldn t rat on each other? you know, if you got a chance to interview them you could ask them. because jean huden was still married to jim, the prosecutor
advil is relief that s fast strength that lasts you ll ask. what pain? with advil [chatter] jim huden and peggy thomas were charged with the murder of russel douglas in the summer of 2011. from that moment, whidbey island prosecutor greg banks had been hoping they would turn on each other and spill the details of what had happened on the day russel was killed. that was the plan. but that didn t happen. did not happen. josh mankiewicz: because why? they re still in love? they wouldn t rat on each other? greg banks: you know, if you get a chance to interview them, you could ask them. josh mankiewicz: because jean huden was still married to jim, the prosecutor decided to split the case, and tried jim and peggy separately. greg banks: we needed jean to testify against peggy, but washington has a rule that says you can t call the spouse against a defendant.
and defending their ideals which he did many times on our show, is that something to knock him for? i m not clear what the attack is. he said one thing on fox news and said different things in the campaign. leland: what specifically what did he say either on fox news or other place that s you have issues with that you feel he s been disingenuous about now. he praised president trump s inaugural speech and scrubbed his twitter feed. he gave speeches to cpac s conference. he s trying to on lit rat object rate his obliterate his past. people don t like it when people say one thing in one setting and another thing in another setting. i think it s not a good thing. leland: there was a time where hi hip consider sigh was n as a hip pock cr hipocracy ad
[chatter] jim huden and peggy thomas were charged with the murder of russel douglas in the summer of 2011. from that moment, whidbey island prosecutor greg banks had been hoping they would turn on each other and spill the details of what had happened on the day russel was killed. that was the plan. but that didn t happen. did not happen. josh mankiewicz: because why? they re still in love? they wouldn t rat on each other? greg banks: you know, if you get chance to interview them you could ask them. joshankiewicz: because jean huden was still married to jim, the prosecutor decided to split the case, and tried jim and peggy separately. greg banks: we needed jean to testify against peggy, but washington has a rule that says you can t call the spouse against a defendant.