a pollster. neither do i. i know, shh. don t tell our pollsters. and i love our pollsters. i m a little nervous, too, because of this turnout. the one thing i don t think we should lose sight of and it feels obvious because we ve talked about it over and over, but women and the way they ve responded to this president, the number of people, you know, i bumped into somebody on the street in kansas city. it was we call it mat on the street interviews. she was walking out of panera with her breakfast. and she had hosted a political fund-raiser for the democratic woman running in kansas city. she d never done anything like that before in her life. she talked about how absolutely angry and upset her neighbors are. we re seeing it in the candidates in the house races. and i dong not underestimate that. you guys, i want you to tackle this question. one of the most important swing voting groups in 2016 were people that department like either candidate and they broke for donald trump
tolerance policy, he himself decided, and jeff sessions said this, and john kelly said it mat a different time, to separate children from their parents. and that is what the american people have risen up in horror at and we can all discuss the politics of this. i think this is actually a motivating issue now to democrats who are angry at what s happening in their name and in the country s name about children and parents. but, i think at the end of the day, we are not going to end this conversation until every child is reunited with his or her parent. charlie, let me get you to weigh in on that. is that the bottom line, that just the specific issue of the family separations, of the kids and parents being separated, that that overwhelms this completely and that the underlying numbers we re showing maybe don t have as much political impact? or are we missing something maybe? what strikes me is, in is an unforced error. if i worked in the trump white house, what i would be saying is
pr representatives would call and say if we leave, will you stop the campaign? will you still attack us? and we said the goal of this campaign is to get you to stop enabling donald trump, to defect and move away. once you do that, this campaign is essentially over. the goal of this campaign and the goal of the work that we ve been doing at color of change is pushing those in power to no longer be on the sidelines, to force people to have to make a choice, because when we look back at this moment 10, 15, 30 years from now, it will be the people who stood on moral high ground and said enough is enough and our country is better than that. are you on the right side of history. mitch mcconnell, usa today has a piece out that behind the scenes he s livid. but this is what kills me, this behind the scenes. if you re mitch mcconnell, you are a gop leader, evan, does it mat they re he s angry behind the scenes if he s not calling the president out by name? let s be honest with what s goin
words memorialized by comey in his memos show that he certainly tried to shut down if it s true the investigation of general flynn and he told the russians that he had felt the pressure was off because the nut job, the head of the fbi, had been fired. in other words, we re pretty early in the scandal at least in the public part of it and there s a lot of reason to see that whether it s a criminal matter or not, there seems to have been an effort to obstruct justice and to shut down the investigation. it is important that we learn all the facts and not just let this kind of this turn into a criminal investigation alone. does it mat that s right smoking gun that you re talking about right now was more likely reside at the fbi as an external account and not as and the nixon case as internal evidence from the white house itself? it was crazy to know that nixon taped his own
if only our opponents cared in any way about civilian casualties and they used the rules of war to hide among civilians, if we tiptoe around that and not put boots on the ground to try to differentiate, then you have to be willing to accept civilian casualties. it s the nature of this standoff. you don t defeat an enemy without killing lots and lots of bad guys. if you do it from the air and level the enemy to accept civilian cash utes. at this point, with what happens happened in paris, a lot of people have a willingness for. finally, your take on this regional containment policy. none of it mat matters when you see things like this. the attacks are coming into europe and potentially the united states. where they re pointing their finger at washington, d.c. how do you wipe out the ideology as a whole? that is the $64,000 question. the ideology and how do you get at it. there s a lot of aspects to that. there s a huge military component. it s not the only component.