board. and take a look at this new today. michael cohen last time we spoke, you told me that he was still working as a deputy finance chair for the rnc and is that still the case? it is still the case. there is ongoing lit gashgs and we will take it step by step, but he is still. howard? this is very dangerous. trump has really infected the entire republican party with the swamp, a send this swamp and brought it to washington. the thing that is astonishing with it is how uncareful he s. lt and mueller is following the money around. and when you follow the money around, and if this is russian oligarch who is close to putin gave $500,000 to cohen, and cohen used for it trump s benefit, that is ob struck shup of justice, and i think that the rnc is now at risk of being charged with obstruction of justice for hiring cohen in what it most like sli a most