lower wages. secondly, the taxpayer. the total amount, net, even if you take into account taxes illegal aliens play, the total amount we taxpayers is over $100 million. the third category of people who lose are the victims of these thousands upon thousands of illegal alien committing crimes and as president trump pointed out in the discussion yesterday, there s a terrorism risk as well. he mentioned ten terrorists who have come across the southern border. actually there than 15 publicized cases and it s probably higher than that because there are many we didn t catch. we have a very real cost in terms of our security, our jobs, and our tax burden. laura: victor, there are about 40,000 to 50,000 american veterans of all races and backgrounds including legal immigrants who are sleeping on the street on any given night. some about two blocks from where we are right here because there s not enough room in the sheltered so they are in the street.
circuit. they file it for a reason. as far as the troops, they are proud to be on the border. they are proud to be defending our nation and we re not letting people in. it s called catch and detain. cd release like it has been for many years for many years, they called it catch, catch and release they don t call it that anymore. and our soldiers are doing an incredible job and if you look at the walls that they re building, and if you look at all the barricades that they re putting up, they ve done a great job. do you have any reaction to michael avenatti being arrested for domestic violence? no, i wish him the best of luck i wish him the best of luck. what about the markets? do you agree with larry kudlow that we re not headed to a recession? no, i think we re doing great. as a country, we re doing great. our unemployment is as a record low, you look at all of the different statistics i think text stocks have some problems but that will come back
i think it was entirely inappropriate and particularly for the reasons stated which was the claim that this was somehow an unjust prosecution. there s no basis for that claim. did it catch can you by surprise? yeah. i had no idea. i mean, i saw this when everyone else did. we were never consulted. that s for sure. renato, this this seems to be what do you take away from this in terms of what message it s sending? well, it seems there s a pretty clear message, chris. pat fitzgerald was the last special counsel and kellyanne conway, the president s spokeswoman, said today that mr. libby was mistreated by the prior special counsel. so i think what this is, this is a message he s trying to send to his allies saying hey, you know, special counsels can mistreat people. if you if you re investigated by the special counsel, i might
i m sorry. i wouldn t want it done to me. i m sorry. shannon, powerful moment there, the questions aren t going away. the white house didn t answer any, but they re going to have to ultimately. they ll try to and deny for as long as possible. the story hasn t caught some people feel like the story hasn t caught as much traction as we would have seen it catch in other administrations because of all the noise and everything else going on. and my sense around the white house has been there are so many other dramas de jure this is a roundi rounding era this thing going on. being able to see the person, look them in the eye through the television in a way, mcdougal s interview was compelling, seemed genuine. we have stormy daniels. i think that adds a new layer, texture to the story. it becomes a bit more real to people who are watching at home.
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