Gabriella Miyares (0:09)
Hello, and welcome to Drugs & Stuff. I m your host, Gabriella Miyares. Today, we re thrilled to kick off a new series of episodes that tie into a project that s been many years in the making here at the Drug Policy Alliance. That project, Uprooting the Drug War, which can be found on, exposes the insidious ways the drug war has taken root in six critical systems: education, employment, housing, child welfare, immigration, and public benefits. Each month on the podcast, we ll feature one of those six systems and learn more about how the drug war has become embedded within it. For our first episode in the series, we are so pleased to have Lisa Sangoi, Co-Founder of the organization Movement for Family Power, speaking with us about how the drug war impacts the child welfare system or, as she and many others have begun to call it, the family regulation system.