A few clouds. Low near 35F. WNW winds at 10 to 20 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph..
A few clouds. Low near 35F. WNW winds at 10 to 20 mph, decreasing to 5 to 10 mph. Updated: March 28, 2021 @ 5:20 pm
In the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice is the shortest and darkest day of the year. But it also marks the beginning of the return of light and warmth, as the following days lengthen with the approach of spring â even amidst winter s cold.
This cycle of the seasons and its significance across cultures and eras is explored in The Christmas Revels: In Celebration of the Winter Solstice, a longtime holiday special produced at Houston Public Media, now in its 24th year of broadcast.
2019 Cambridge Christmas Revels production
The two-hour radio program is a musical celebration of winter holidays that evolved over the centuries across Europe, the Middle East and the Americas. It features traditional folk music and spoken word, excerpted from live 2019 stage productions by Revels companies around the country.