The United Kingdom National Health Service is closing the gender identity clinic at the Tavistock and Portman Trust, the London-based facility whose practices have faced considerable scrutiny in recent years.
The United Kingdom National Health Service is closing the gender identity clinic at the Tavistock and Portman Trust, the London-based facility whose practices have faced considerable scrutiny in recent years.
The United Kingdom National Health Service is closing the gender identity clinic at the Tavistock and Portman Trust, the London-based facility whose practices have faced considerable scrutiny in recent years.
Two former female-to-male (FTM) trans teens expressed regret over the gender reassignment procedures they underwent while still young. The two "detransitioners" expressed hope that [.]
(CNS News) During an online symposium for college students about gender identity, two de-transitioned women – females who had transitioned to males and then back shared their stories and said their doctors and families failed them in not recognizing that conditions like autism and ADHD were the actual cause of their gender dysphoria.