You are now recognized for your Opening Statement thank you mr chairman and thank you Ranking Member newness i have appreciate the opportunity to speak again to the members of this committee. First let me offer my thanks to the men and women of the u. S. Department of state who have committed their professional lives to support the Foreign Policy work of the United States in particular i want to thank my staff at the u. S. Mission to the European Union your integrity dedication and hard work often performed without public acclaim or recognition serve as a shining example of true Public Service and i am personally grateful to work beside you each and every day it is my honor to serve as the u. S. Ambassador to the European Union the u. S. Mission to the e. U. Is the direct link between the United States and the European Union and its members. Americas longest standing allies and one of the largest economic blocs in the world every day i work to support a strong united and peaceful europ
Selenski make a Public Statement about investigations i knew that investigations were important to President Trump we did not discuss any classified information other witnesses have recently shared their recollection of overhearing this call for the most part i have no reason to doubt their accounts its true that the president speaks loudly at times and its also true i think we primarily discussed asap rocky its true that the president likes to use colorful language anyone who has met with him it for any reasonable amount of time knows this well i cannot remember the precise details again the white house has not allowed me to see any readouts of that call and the july 26th call did not strike me as significant at the time actually actually i would have been more surprised. If President Trump had not mentioned investigations particularly given what we were hearing from mr giuliani about the president s concerns however i have no recollection of discussing Vice President biden or his son
Sitters response i want nothing i want nothing i want no quid pro quo tells journalists the president. To do the right thing so is my answer i want nothing i want nothing. I want no good bro whoa now so much to do the right thing when he says this is the final word from the president of the United States i want nothing thank you both said a good time ago and. Its clear by the tone of the energy that the president had there that he understands the gravity of this day the notes that he was looking out with quotes from ambassador us on the who is testifying well get you back to that in a moment there are previous tweets that the president said about the ambassador we spoke glowingly of him now saying he doesnt actually know him that well and also that quote hes referencing when the ambassador testified that the president said there was no quid pro quo when asked if he believed the president when he said that ambassador saleh refused to characterize whether he believed that the president a