Mystic ― Last year, Tom and Pantea Umrysz of Yetter Road Tree Farm were looking for a way to share their farm with the community, when they decided to help people donate to children in need for the ho.
As resident Jaylean Berrios picked up Christmas gifts for her 10-year-old daughter from Groton Human Services on Friday, she said it meant everything to
Dozens of wooden Christmas trees, painted with stripes, light bulbs, and garland, stand among evergreen trees at Yetter Road Tree Farm, a 14-acre tree farm
Groton Wearing a reindeer mask and antlers, Groton Human Services social worker Lisa Fredsbo handed out gift cards to residents and exchanged holiday greetings with them Tuesday morning as they stopped by the Human Services Building for the annual December holiday distribution.
As holiday music played, residents walked one at a time up the stairs to receive a gift card to a local grocery store for a holiday meal, as well as gift cards for toys for children, and a box of cookies and a calendar. They then walked out through a separate exit.
The annual distribution is being held despite the pandemic but with new protocols in place, including social distancing and mask-wearing, and gift cards instead of toys and food.