CHARLES TOWN — The American Legion Auxiliary in Charles Town recognized Wright Denny Intermediate Students for sending in over 50 submissions for the Poppy Poster Contest.
Dozens of community members turned out to enjoy food, drinks, games, shopping and more in support of the Pennridge CROP Walk, an event sponsored by the Church World Service to end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.
It’s fitting that young Emma Macklin should be setting herself a 30-mile sponsored walk target to raise money for Mary Stevens Hospice – it is its 30th anniversary this year. But ten-year-old Emma decided she wanted to go a step further – or rather thousands and thousands of steps further. Because the Wollaston youngster has decided to do 30 miles every month – an all seasons challenge along the paths, bridleways and canalsides of the area. The hospice is special to Emma because her ‘nanna’ Brenda Cadwallader was a volunteer there for 15 years, and went there for her end of life car when she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.