your honor, at this time subject to receipt of exhibits, southbound their receipt, the people are prepared and would ask to rest at this time. megyn: prosecutors resting their case moments ago against a man accused of killing michael jackson. the people of the state of california calling their final witness in dr. conrad murray s manslaughter trial. today the defense tried to discredit the doctor s testimony and the prosecution appears to believe it has made its case. has it? joining me now lis weihl and defense attorney mark eiglarsh. lirks s, tell us what the prosecution did with this last witness. they put dr. shafer on. he is he knows everything about propofol.
megyn: joining me is lis weihl and mark eiglarsh. they got a search warrant because they lawyered up which there is nothing wrong with la guardia up. i would, too, if i were innocent and the police are accusing me the way they are accuse her. they went to get a search warrant because she lawyered up even those lawyer said i never said they couldn t go. they had carte blanche to go on the property. they had to have something specific to get that warrant. something that moved the investigation forward. they had to have specific new details of a crime. i m not saying that s a crime that the mother perpetrate. it could be that it is a crime scene. so all i m saying is that it could be a crime scene in the sense it s a stranger abduction. it could be a crime scene in the sense they suspect the mother. but they needed new evidence that would bring them forward. i don t buy it when the subpoena
they said it was close by. megyn: do you think the police are lying to you? yeah, they are supposed to. megyn: to get a confession? of course. they are not going to tell us. you know, we asked them, do you have any leads, do you have any information. they are going to say no or they are going to say we are on to something. but they won t tell you specifically what. no his do that. megyn: joining me now former possible cue eastern cohost of the five kimberly guilfoyle and fox news analyst lis weihl. you are both former prosecutors. is she right. do the police lie in interrogations and just make things up saying a phone call was made from your phone at 2:30 in the morning when that is not true. we found pings on your phone at the following location when in fact that is not true? they can lie, they allowed to
if you turn the baby monitor off there will be static on my end. that another reason [inaudible] nothing makes sense and we don t have any answers. megyn: we have breaking news. we are getting this fed in from about an hour ago when the police went back to the irwin family home as well as the neighbor s home. we were allowed to videotape some but not all, and took out bags of evidence from the neighbor s house along with using search dogser scent dogs to sniff for possibly the exit route of the baby. so joining me now to discuss it. kimberly guilfoyle, and lis weihl, also a former prosecutor and a fox news legal analyst. you have been watching the show. i want to get your reaction to what you heard so far. you are getting
painting river i d picture of the moment he realize the singer wasn t breathing. his body was warm. there was no change in color. i assumed everything happened very quickly. just about the time. so i started immediately to perform cpr. and mouth to mouth resuscitation. megyn: joining me now lis weihl and mark eiglarsh. the thing went on four two hours. what did we learn? that he was there and he administered propofol. he said he didn t realize when he first took the $150,000 job