that s why this bill with the best of intentions, creates a process for orderly liquidations and funds that with millions of dollars and some say that s a bailout. the money comes from wall street from investment firms. but the money it s like tax money, at the end of the day, it all comes from guess who? us. there is no other money. at the end of the day, whether you get it from wall street or taxes, it all comes from us. what this bill really does, senator dodd eluded to this, that is, it creates a $410 billion federal structure to regulate how money moves in this country, to regulate almost everything. for the first time, for example, it lets state attorneys generals hire lawyers on contingency to go head hunting and chase after businesses it thinks are doing the wrong things. you re using a lot of buzz words, regulate lawyers people don t like. it s in the bill. do you think some level of regulation is necessary? i think everyone understands some level of regulation i
i m all for debates about opinions. should government guarantee health insurance? that s a matter of opinion. this is a matter of fact i will point out while he s pointing it a wall street bailout, why does wall street oppose the bill? why does wall street give mcconnell over a million dollar in campaign donations for him to carry wall street s water here. it is orwellian for him to say this is a pro wall street bill. alex, is george orwell smiling somewhere? i m smiling. i don t know about orwell. here s what s happening. i think senator mcconnell has a point. we all seem to have accepted in this country, oh, my gosh, if we let some banks fail, it could injure our entire economy and injure all of us. that s why this bill with the best of intentions pre-it as a process for orderly liquidations and funds that with millions of dollars and some say that s a bailout.