federal institute of technology e th zurich made global headlines, planting trees could help mitigate climate change, they said, but it would require a huge number of trees to be planted worldwide. reforestation covering an area about the size of the united states a massive undertaking. but the idea was an appealing one, a promise to save the climate with a simple act, planting trees. but the initial euphoria soon began to ebb. critics included scientists who called the idea unrealistic in germany, the university of barnes ica. luling was one of the 1st scientists to speak out, skipped term some i m in their studio, i m a girl. there are a number of questions. the authors of that study need to address is all of that land actually suited to planting trees all in that time. they see a lot of potential in the taiga, in the tundra, in regions that are too cold for trees, yawn. they want to plant trees in the savannah, which is nothing like a forest. a savannah has lots of grass l