imagine ifif you couldld get ad of youour ibs-c by treatining it with h linze. ththen you couould start proactivively managiging your conststipation with bellyly pain. say yeyess to linznzess. linznzess isis not a laxaxative. it s s a once-dadaily pill that h helps you g get ahead of your r symptoms.. itit s proven n to help yoyu haveve more freqequent anand completete bowel movovem. and helps s relieve ovoverall abdominal l symptoms - - belllly pain, didiscomfort,, and blbloating. do n not give lilinzess to childreren less thahan tw. it m may harm ththem. do notot take linznzess ifif you have e a bowel blbloc. get imimmediate hehelp if y you developop unusual or sevevere stomacach pain, especialally with blbloody or b black stoolols. ththe most comommon side e eft is diarrhehea, sometimimes sev. ifif it s sevevere, ststop taking g linzess and cacall your dodoctor riright away.. ththese aren t t all ththe side effffects. get ahahead of it.t. tatalk to yourur doctor anandy yeyess to l