Photo: Sam Rutherford
Huawei has long been working on its own fork of Android, and on June 2, Huawei’s HarmonyOS will finally make its official debut on phones.
Even before Huawei was officially placed on a blacklist banning the company from buying U.S. tech, the Chinese electronics giant had been developing its offshoot of Android to sidestep the need for critical Google apps and services. And while Huawei has already released a few TVs running its HarmonyOS, the real test will come next week at Huawei’s launch event, when HarmonyOS will finally be released for use on phones.
Greetings, traveller, and welcome back to The Register Plays Games
, our monthly gaming column. In May, the industry finally pushed some hot properties out the door including Resident Evil Village
, Biomutant
remasters. But we opted to check out something just a little bit older.
Though pop culture might have reached peak zombie almost a decade ago, Oregon-based Bend Studio still managed to walk away with a decent game in the 2019 PlayStation 4 exclusive
Days Gone. We say exclusive because we ve been playing the PC port, which came out on 18 May. This follows a recent trend of titles made specifically for Sony s last-gen console being re-released for PC a couple of years later including