High Liner says its board has accepted Hepponstall’s resignation and the company will begin a comprehensive internal and external search for a new CEO
High Liner Foods Inc (TSE:HLF – Get Free Report) insider High Liner Foods Incorporated acquired 3,500 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Wednesday, August 16th. The stock was acquired at an average price of C$12.30 per share, for a total transaction of C$43,041.95. High Liner Foods Incorporated also recently made […]
High Liner Foods Inc (TSE:HLF – Get Free Report) insider High Liner Foods Incorporated bought 3,500 shares of the business’s stock in a transaction dated Wednesday, August 16th. The shares were bought at an average cost of C$12.30 per share, for a total transaction of C$43,041.95. High Liner Foods Incorporated also recently made the following […]
High Liner Foods (TSE:HLF – Free Report) had its price objective reduced by Cormark from C$25.00 to C$21.00 in a research note issued to investors on Friday, BayStreet.CA reports. Separately, Royal Bank of Canada upped their price objective on High Liner Foods from C$16.00 to C$17.00 and gave the company a sector perform rating in […]
High Liner Foods (TSE:HLF – Free Report) had its price objective lowered by Royal Bank of Canada from C$17.00 to C$15.00 in a research report report published on Friday, BayStreet.CA reports. Royal Bank of Canada currently has a sector perform rating on the stock. Separately, Cormark lowered their price objective on shares of High Liner […]