really all about. remembering and honoring our military heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. we salute each and every one of them. with that said we have a jampacked fun filled show ahead. for answering your fan mill questions for the entire hour so let s dive in. facebook question from eileen ass. you re invited to a pollock dana perino, what is everybody bringing? like what what i bring? really good like the silverware, the napkins on the cops. the paper plates.that s all people want me to bring. i can bring some sodas. things like that. i think that is a smart move for everybody involved. it s a nice thing but no one has to worry about it. that s true. thank you. looking to get rid of a case a blood light. i don t want to bring that alone. you know what i love? especially in the summer love the tuna sserole. i know people take it for granted. tuna casserole over macaroni. cold. with the mayonnaise. and some cucumbers in it or something l
thing. i have to cover my face. they were wearing masks before the pandemic. yeah, quick to do when delmac where the full mass rash guard? made of dressing with a linen suit when i go to the . then i stripped down and get in the water and then get out the suit back on. kind of like when you were changing in the great room earlier. tom got almost naked in the green room. hr s gonna contact you in a couple of hours. a guy can change his shirt, right? he was in his undershirt. it was fine. just a short change. you can t tell the difference between underwear and your skin. how about y all? what my lot going forward to? the traffic. i believe someone on the side of the road like that. last question with got a facebook one from leah m. are you the grill massacre?