whatever they want, jed. jedediah: one thing can you see from the rallies is he loves them. he loves every single minute of them. politicians when they don t love them becomes transparent. joe biden has been one struggling. ed: going through the motions. jedediah: feel like you have to do it. you can t find your footing. president trump, ever since he began campaigning for the 2016 election, he loves these moments. he gives the base the red meat they want. you saw him get bleeped. that s always something that line ofs up a crowd. ed: his supporters love that renegade spirit he brings to the rallies. pete talked about double-barrel assault on the democrats. we are barreling towards 2020. the president said bring it on. watch. but it looks like, you know, when bernie gets out, which seems inevitable, when bernie gets out it looks like those will go to your radical leftist elizabeth warren, right? [crowd boos]