The white house pattern of denying any possible wrongdoing, only to backrock to and be presenteded with contrary backtrack and be presented with contrary office. Listen to this from ancamera White House Briefing how are we to take the blanket denials that occurred through the transition and now when it has been proven and recognized by the president s attorney and don jr. That those blanket denials were not factual . Look, i think the point is that weve tried to make every single time today and then and will continue to make in those statements is that there was simply no collusion that they keep trying to create that there was. Sanders adds that if President Trump only he only learned of his sons meeting with the russian lawyer in the last few days. The president himself has been staying largely out of sight. Today the second straight day with no Public Events on his schedule. More questions about the players involved in setting up the meeting between donald trump jr. And the russian
Told the january government was directing her efforts to spread damaging information about Hillary Clinton. Thats according to the New York Times citing through sources familiar with an email sent to trump jr. That email reportedly says the information about clinton was part of a kremlin effort to help the Trump Campaign. The email was written by british publicist Rob Goldstone, an entertainment business associate of trump sr. , with connections to moscow. Although goldstone suggested the damaging material originated with the russian government, there is no evidence it was related to the russian hacking of the dnc. Last night, don jr. s newly hired attorney dismissed the times report calling it much ado about nothing. His statement reiterating that don jr. Didnt do anything wrong by taking the meeting and that nothing came of it. The white house consumed on monday by questions about this meeting. Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee sanders insisting the campaign did not collude, describing the
Close. So this is this has been hard. Yeah, i can only imagine the feelings and emotions youre going through and what a community youre describing for us. It looks like an absolutely Beautiful Day in terms of what were able to see here and in terms of how that all now has changed as a result of this deadly massacre at the First Baptist church . Southerland springs. Have you thought about, carrie, how this changes everything . How you know, in the wake of Mass Shootings that have happened in other parts of the country, did you ever think that it would happen on the doorstep of your own community . Absolutely not. Absolutely not. I never thought it would happen here. I mean, this is something that takes place in a big city. You know i would never have thought it would have taken place here. I mean, this is just its too tight a community. It doesnt make any sense. Carrie matula, eyewitness, what she witnessed this morning and what she heard. Carrie, thank you very much for joining us. I k
In the New York Times, the trump tower, the crown jewel of trumps sprawling empire. Its name em blazened in gold was built on the backs of polish workers, many underpaid, overworked and undocumented. It was from the same marbled skyscraper that donald trump would launch his president ial bid and promise to build a wall peppering his speech and many others after with the antiimmigrant rhetoric that electrified his base. When mexico sends its people, they are not sending their best. They are bringing drugs. They are bringing clubs. Theyre rapists. You wouldnt believe how bad these people are. These arent people. These are animals. We have some bad hombres here and we are going to get them out. Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassionate. It is actually very cruel. Trump is still selling the Illegal Immigrants boogeyman. Ramping it up even more as he gears up for the 2020 election, backed by the relentless drum beat of antiimmigrant rhetoric on fox news. A the Washington Post r