Companies may use the data to predict how likely you are to pay back your debts on time. As a result, credit reports are crucial for decisions about lending money
Researcher warns of risks with using alternative data in lending. What does your SAT score mean for your ability to pay off a car loan? What does your Facebook feed say about your chances of landing a mortgage? And, what does your propensity for snacking on road trips mean for your credit score? The answers: More than you think.Researcher warns of risks with using alternative data in lending. What does your SAT score mean for your ability to pay off a car loan? What does your Facebook feed say about your chances of landing a mortgage? And, what does your propensity for snacking on road trips mean for your credit score? The answers: More than you think. » The FINANCIAL Tech
What does your SAT score mean for your ability to pay off a car loan? What does your Facebook feed say about your chances of landing a mortgage? And, what