author of too big to fail. here with us now is chairman of deutsche incorporated, donnie dyche. i d like to announce baes by the way, a lawsuit. i was known as too big to fail. oh, god! read it as you may. you read it and you stole it and you will be hearing from i was afraid he was going to say i was known as the skank. i thought he was going the lindsay lohan way. this is what tv was meant for. you re still stunned on that. you can t even recover from that. there s so many things that i could say in response that i will not. pat buchanan on lindsay lohan, anything better on television? no and where can you get that? morning joe, brewed by starbucks. it adds dimension to the whole ridiculous story showing how ridiculous any of that story it. let s talk about lebron. i asked everybody around the table what the big story of the day is and andrew said bp.