craig out of the will. and philip s son, carey, had already taken his life name oft or 3 million dollar trust he had set up for his children. it s not clear what craig or robbyn did or did not know about these papers. but then, prosecutor michael said financial concerns were definitely on craig s mind. money is not a small factor here? money is a large factor. meaning, he knew he had to provide for carey s wife like carey had been providing. and the only way that he was going to get any financial means to live the life that he wanted to live with robin was through an inheritance. and he has enough sense to know that he is not going to inherit anything if both parents are dead. they also heard the realtor
behind a table. the woman, linda, still holding her cell phone. the distress call was genuine. and, her injuries were grave. she had some sort of, fabric, a towel, on her throat, and it was soaked in blood. i asked her to remove the cloth from her throat so i could get a visual of her injuries. the entire area of her neck here was missing. and she swallowed, you could see her throat moving. one victim accounted for. where were the others? she didn t know if anyone else was still on the residents. she didn t know if her son, and husband, are still alive. with guns drawn, deputies, continued clearing the residents. the information that they yelled back down the hall was as bad as it could get. linda s son, shot dead, in one bedroom. he was in the bed, still under the covers. he had an obvious gunshot wound to the face. linda s husband, philip, shot dead in their bedroom. he had pulled a sheet above his face, and a defensive stance. there was a gunshot wound through the shee
cup later this month. now, back to dateline. to dateline. it was around five in the morning on august 20th of 2008. and robin heidt wife of carey heidt, heard a loud knock at the door. it was two officers in a champion. who told her that her husband carey and his parents had been shot. i said some how was carey killed and they said that he was shot in the head. the news left her numb. she told the jury, she could not breathe. a few hours later, craig called. he was crying really hard and said he couldn t believe what happened. and i said, are you okay? and he said no. and i said, craig, did you have anything to do with this. and he said no. she confronted him again
officers came in, i think it was about three deputies. and they were flashing the flashlights. and they said ma am put down the weapon. but i was sitting there, holding my cell phone. and one of the officers went back to the bedroom and they said there s two back here dead. and pretty well after that, i don t remember anything for about four weeks later. what, if anything, could she tell authorities about the assailant? do you remember giving a description of the person that you saw in a slender man? you weren t able to give any other better decisions or more detail than that? no. linda s son craig hardly look slender in court. but the state said if you put all the pieces of the odd crime scene together, the shadowy figure in the bedroom that night had to have been craig. first, a crime scene analysts