dizziness, confusion, weakness those are your clues you are looking for anything that could possibly contribute to a person s death. one dose, high enough dose could do all of that she found a love at las with husband number three. the charming jeopardy chain. younger guy, gourmet cook nuclear physicists i was impressed. then suddenly, she was gone a mystery illness that baffled even her doctors she shook like someone with the start of parkinson s what had killed her something at home? something at work? household items that s a possibility listen carefully. in this case, the most important clue of all just might come from the victim herself. this just seems like ther is some suspicion things tha have occurred. could this be murder? do you think that someone might be trying to poison you? that s an unpleasant way to die. yes and could she help solve it your disk are griping kin of a murder and should slo motion yes, rather diabolical. it s a mind
lynda curry knew that linda ha been sick for months and a list for doctors could never explain. and paul had been sick to. now suddenly, lindo was dead paul s friends steve wiggly. everybody was in such shock i don t think the reason mattered it was just okay, we have to take care of our friend. how was paul? grief stricken. so was linda s family her niece ricky remember how paul changed the funeral arrangements to help them deal with linda s sudden death. he allowed the casket to be open so that my mom could se her sister wrap her mind around her siste being gone linda was now only a memory but she had left behind perplexing medical mystery what caused the mysterious illness that took her life what were her symptoms? diarrhea, vomiting,
that star. had one wish to grow on. play double time. ha, ha! i have to fine the wishing star. sniff him out. -all i can smell, is cats. oooh. good night. [ cheering ] you re still here? ok, one more number. puss in boots. only in theater, rated pg. after linda curry s death paul curry lost his job at the nuclear power plant. in large part because it turne out he lied about being ne nuclear physicists he left california, move to la vegas and began his life over. he eventually remarried, adopted a son. and by 2010, he was living i the small town of salina kansas back then, jason gauge was the city manager when we met paul, one of th