her who wished they could live a better life. my name is linda fondren, and i challenged my community to the 17,000-pound weight loss challenge. go, girl. go! good job. for 17 weeks. i asked the 50,000 people in vicksburg to only lose a half a pound. they beat the challenge. so you made it. you re there. i decided to make the challenge permanent because we could not reach enough people. yeah. we have a walking club and a nutrition program. on saturday the gym is open for free. stations, everybody. you have to give them the tools and opportunities to want to do better, and they will jump at that chance to do better. she takes no prisoners. she s committed to community involvement. as we wrap our arms around this obesity issue. it s to benefit my life. beside it get me off the couch. hey, i to like that. there you go. obesity affects us all.
the only way to combat it is to stand together and help each other. we need to make a commitment to change. well so, far vicksburg residents have lost almost 15,000 pounds through linda s weight loss initiative. to see one woman s journey to banish the bulge or help linda with her continued fight against fat, go to cnnheroecnnheroes.co. well, we ve seen the birth certificate, yet the rumors still persist. why questions about president s citizenship could cost a military doctor his career. my subaru saved my life. i won t ever forget that. love. it s what makes a subaru, a subaru.
strategists say well, maybe he did or didn t, but if it happens on his watch, he gets to take the credit. jim? paul steinhauser with the election express. take care of that bus out there, paul. we appreciate it. thank you, sir. reporter: hope to see you back here. thank you. sounds good. this week s cnn hero put her entire hometown on a diet. linda challenged the city of vicksburg, mississippi, to lose 17,000 pounds in 17 weeks. that doesn t sound possible. right? well, it was such a success she couldn t stop there. take a look. we ve held the title of being the most obese. my sister passed away at the age of 50. cancer took her life but obesity restricted her from living it. you have made a commitment for a healthy community. let s walk. i knew that i wanted to do something to help people like
something about a statistic she didn t appreciate. her home state being the fattest in the country. our cnn hero today. take a look at what she did to try to get people to lose 17,000 pounds in 17 weeks. mississippi has held the title of being the most obese state for six consecutive years. my sister passed away at the age of 54. cancer took her life but obesity restricted her from living it. you have made a commitment for a healthy community. let s walk. i knew that i wanted to do something to help people like her who wish they could live a better life. my name is linda fondren. i challenged my community to the
they ve put the entire hometown on a diet, challenging the city of vicsburg to lose 17,000 pounds in 17 weeks. it was such a success, she couldn t stop there. take a look. mississippi has held the title of being the most obese state for six consecutive years. let s walk! i knew that i wanted to do something to help people who wished they could live a better life. my name is linda fondren and i challenged my community for weight loss. i asked people to lose only half a pound. they beat the challenge. i decided to make the challenge permanent because we did not reach enough people. yeah. we have a walking club and a nutrition program. on saturday, the gym is open for free. you have to give them the tools and opportunities to want to do better. and they will jump at that chance to do better. good job!