130-year-old Midtown Harrisburg townhome with 3rd floor skylight, stained glass windows for $210K: Cool Spaces
Updated 9:27 AM;
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Located in charming midtown Harrisburg, this three-story townhome has over 2,200-square-feet of space.
Built in 1890, the home - a “celebration of everything that is loved about living in Midtown” - has three bedrooms, one full and one partial bath. The homeowner uses it as a showcase for art, with works by local artists such as Linda Benton McCloskey, Susan Bailey, Luis Cuevas, Kevyn Knox, R76Artist and Charles Fazzino.
As expected from the time period, the house has wooden floors, a staircase with custom milled woodwork and stained glass window flourishes. The second floor has an exposed brick wall, while most of the home has a mixture of tin and wood lath ceilings.