It started with snow. Last Sunday, a day marked by a steady falling of fluffy snow. Just what we want on a weekend day in January, when there is nowhere to go. My wife and mother took in the Lincolnville UCC service via Zoom from the front room. I.
It is New Year’s Eve as I write this. I was born nearly 50 years ago, at the Rockland Hospital. How to reflect on nearly 50 years? Well, it seems like a very big number. And I am only turning 49, by the way. I have written about growing up here, in.
So here in Lincolnville we have so far managed to avoid many of the challenges faced by the rest of the country this summer, the extreme heat and clouds of smoke. Sure, it has been a bit damp, and its been a long time since I recall as many foggy.
On March 10, 1927, according to Staying Put In Lincolnville Maine, by Diane O’Brien, “the citizens of Lincolnville Center and the community met at Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heal’s, 199 Main Street, for the purpose of organizing a Fire Company.” Virgil.