The Courier
Jim Streubing, University of Illinois Master Gardener and Master Naturalist Volunteer, will address members of the Lincoln Woman s Club at their Wednesday Mar. 17 meeting. His topic is Bugs, Birds and Bergamot.
LWC president Judy Rader will conduct the business meeting. The slate of officer nominees for 2021-22 will be read. The 17th is the last day for members to turn in ticket money for the Apr. 7 schnitzel sandwich sale, being held in connection with the Sons of the American Legion.
The club meets at 1 pm Mar. 17 at the Lincoln Banquet Center. Members of the Woman s Club Board of Directors are hostesses, with Susan Rohrer and Mary Gleason serving as greeters. Carol Grunder will lead the devotions, and Ruth Green and Marla Williams will supply raffle prizes. Ellen Dobihal, Darla Rohrer and Lynn Corley are in charge of decorations.
Lincoln Woman s Club offers scholarship
The Courier
The GFWC Lincoln Woman s Club will be awarding a scholarship with a minimum value of $500 to a high school female senior, graduating from Hartsburg-Emden High School, Lincoln Community High School, or Mount Pulaski High School. Students applying for the scholarship must plan on attending an accredited college, university or vocational school located within the state of Illinois during the Fall of 2021. Funds will be mailed directly to the school/university. Students’ extracurricular activities, volunteer activities, academics and financial need will be considered.
The postmark deadline for all completed applications is March 1, 2021. Applications are available through the guidance departments at Hartsburg-Emden High School, Lincoln Community High School, and Mount Pulaski High School. In some cases, applications may be downloaded from the school’s website. Applications are also available by sending a self-addressed, sta
The Courier
Lincoln Woman s Club
GFWC Lincoln Woman’s Club officers and board are still meeting monthly, though membership meetings have been placed on hold due to current COVID-19 restrictions. Several socially distanced fundraisers and community projects have been completed by the club during the past 2 months. Of special note is the annual LWC Operation Santa project that this year provided active American troops overseas with over $2,900 worth of food, toiletries, gift items and 250 holiday stockings. The local community and club members contributed an additional $1,000 in donations for the supplies including postage. Additionally, the club donated and filled 20 stockings for the Operation Care Package program that also supports deployed military as well as provided stockings and gifts for a local facility that provides temporary housing for veterans. Additional supplies for the local facility were provided by Matt Arnold of Grieme-Arnold Insurance Agency.