1822: Excerpt from the Logbook of the U.S. Schooner Shark LCDR M.C. Perry commanding: Remarks, Thursday, May 30th At 4 P.M. weighed and stood to the Eastward in company with
1856: William Hackley recorded in his diary: Rose at 3:30 and walked on the beach, returned home and bathed. At 8 a.m. barometer 29.45, thermometer 83.5, wind south southwest 1, clouds 3. Went to the courthouse about 10 where several motions were made and about 11 a.m. court adjourned till Monday. A man was put in the pillory for one hour for larceny.
1902: Future movie star
Lincoln Theodore Monroe Andrew Perry.
1922: George W. Allen died at 67. He had served as a state senator from Monroe County from 1878 to 1884. He was Collector of Customs for the Port of Key West from 1897 to 1913. In 1891, he organized the First National Bank and served as its president.