At Dreamtroit, the apartments have no kitchen cabinet handles and units spill onto a "post-apocalyptic patio." That's just what Matt Naimi and Oren Goldenberg intended.
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Photo: Mercedes Streeter
Detroit is home to all sorts of weird art installations that give the city some awesome flavour. Even knowing that, I did not expect to see a whole aeroplane sitting in the middle of a street.
The plane has been a mystery that some people have been trying to solve for over a year. Now we know how it got there.
Detroit, Michigan, is a city rich with character. While the city may be best known for cars and abandoned buildings, art is all over the city. You can find murals on countless city blocks, there are a bunch of cool installations and sculptures. But when the plane turned up, people wondered, naturally where it came from. How does a plane end up seemingly abandoned on a street?