Italy had come within a hairs breadth of voting in a communist government. Troops were in angola. The soviets in every measurable way are winning. Nine years later, gorbachev is suing for peace. They have not taken one inch of territory, which from 1970 through 1980, the soviets took eric tori under every president. They stopped dead in their tracks. It was not just military. It was using the bully pulpit to call them the evil empire. It was using Radio Free Europe to boost the signal into the warsaw pact countries and the baltic countries. Stopping the subsidy of their economy he used every available method, quite frankly. The soviets never knew what hit them. He hit them at many different levels. He basically brought them to their needs. You could sum all of that up in a simple phrase, which he used. That is peace through strength. He was willing to negotiate with the soviets once we had achieved military superiority, which we did not have when he came into office in 1980. A great wa
Continue to address outdated sentencing laws. Unethical prosecutors. We will communicate the experience of criminal defendants. Our sons and our daughters and our cousins and next door neighbors. The defendants in our communities that they have confident council. You will see the Congressional Black Caucus fighting for targeted funding for persistent communities. They are at least 300 native counties in the United States where 20 or more of the population has been living below the poverty line not since the recession started but for the last 30 years. The Congressional Black Caucus will be advocating what i will call the clyburn plan. Some call it the 10 20, 30 plan that directs at least 10 of the grands and digressionary budget be targeted to the communities. This is not a part stan issue. They represent more than the democratic members. That means we will call on the republican conference to join with the Democratic Caucus and lass legislation to address persistent 54 efforter in ame
So many Family Friends friends and business that if the time out of their busy schedules to be here today. I am i am humbled. And a special thanks to my son, jack who who i dont know if i we will get through this, but i do not have the words to say thank you for what you said from your heart on behalf of you and your family and our family. It is fantastic. Two and a half years ago i had the privilege to be here to say words about my good friend, Arnold Palmer. What a privilege it was to be here that day. You have been a great friend and will continue to be so. My son was about six years old and someone asked him for what does your dad do . He said, nothing, he just plays golf. Abcaseven and golf. [laughter] and i did just play golf. My parents families came over from europe. Hardworking families and living the example of the american dream. My mothers father worked on the railroad command he was a conductor. My fathers father was a boilermaker. One day my grandfather took my dad and tw
Richardson. She chronicles the evolution of the party of lincoln and examines the origins of the party in the slaveholding south, arguing it was founded to advocate for the middle class against elite plantation owners. She also looks at the republican figures who defined the party like president Abraham Lincoln Theodore Roosevelt, and ronald , reagan. The National History center of the American Historical Association at the Wilson Center cohosted this event. It is about an hour and a half. Host it is my real pleasure to introduce Heather Cox Richardson today, someone whose work i have been reading and admiring for some time now. She is a professor of history at boston college. And every time i think i have caught up with what she has written, she produces yet another book. So i have to keep reading but i do so with great pleasure. She has written five books on various aspects of American History. She is a 1992 graduate of Harvard Universitys program in the history of American Civilizat
In her current book, to make men free a history of the Republican Party which was , published late last year, this was her second book to be named as an editors choice selection of the New York Times book review. Professor richardson writes widely for popular publication. She is committed to presenting historical scholarship or four audiences on the economys wall. She is now the editor of and founder of a new web magazine called we are history. She is at work on an intellectual history of american politics and aggressive treatment of the reconstruction era. Heather richardson. Prof. Richardson thank you very much. It is a real pleasure to be here. And not just because i am coming from boston. [laughter] can everybody hear me in the back . Are we ok . Terrific. What i want to talk about today is not just the Republican Party but why we might care about the Republican Party even if we are not into politics. We turn it on . Prof. Richardson that is why asked you if you could hear back the