The perfect camping wine: this refreshing, dry white blend in a lightweight aluminum bottle
The Revelshine White, which critic Esther Mobley consumed while sitting by Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park.Esther Mobley / The Chronicle
I recently went camping in two spectacularly beautiful places in Wyoming: Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park. As I prepared for the trip purchasing bear spray, making sure our propane canisters were full, downloading many hours’ worth of audio books I was having trouble figuring out one crucial question. What to drink?
Since we were driving to Wyoming, any bottles of wine I brought would inevitably be subjected to excessive heat while stowed in the car, potentially ruining their contents. I wasn’t counting on having access to a good wine shop in the parks. I do love drinking beer after a big day of hiking, and sure enough, we bought some great local beers in Wyoming (we really liked the Jenny Lak