Aaron Hawkins is an amputee from Ipswich, and has been awarded a black belt in judo - despite having lost his leg and competed against able-bodied competitors.
Carly Bauert cried when her son Ollie was unexpectedly born with no thighbone. But now she tells
Claudia Calleja how they are living up to a midwife’s prediction that they would do ‘amazing things’.
Teenager Ollie Curmi Bauert has just added freestyle kickboxing to his list of hobbies – because despite being born without a thighbone, he believes nothing is impossible.
The 13-year-old has Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD), a rare congenital defect. In simple terms, he was born without a right upper femur bone, leaving his right leg distinctly shorter than his left.
His parents had no idea their son would have a limb difference when he entered the world on June 9, 2007.