some punk ass leakers. that s what they are. you re trying to embarrass the president and if you listen to me negotiate find a new car i was in the exact same conversation. listen, there are hombres everywhere and i need this and he s making deals and talking to a guy whose english is a second language so he threw in some spanish and built, lottery. he said andre, he didn t say whatever the cuss word is in spanish, he was trying to talk to them. if you took a letter or text you wrote me, i could read that a different ways to make it sound negative. greg: that is true. the problem with the transcript is there is no tone. trump is a salesman. that s what he does. he talks to people. he was talking to them in that one line they go to he was talking to the i don t like australia, i ve been there three times and they will be poor. greg: do you know who loves this company? he s american, right? and he s a murdoch?
breaking down cellular inflammation which can cause sweating, nausea and vomiting. it will be available for purchase on july 5th. i will believe it when i see it. heather: how do you discover that to begin with? the time is 20 minutes until the top of the hour. your child s favorite sesame street carrier has been turned into a propaganda puppet. did you find this little girls and little boys like your friend in america? they really were. heather: the bazaar new tactic used by cnn. rob: overhauling obamacare, countries like australia for inspiration. is the grass greener on the other side? and australian native has an answer to that. heather: a california democrat the only one to win a special election but where is he? there s nothing more important to me than my vacation.
at both sides tonight. first of all, i want to congratulation senators widen and hatch forwyden and hatch. reporter: this bipartisanship is over shadowed by the strong opposition within the president s own party. elizabeth warren, chuck schumer and nancy pelosi have all criticized the proposal saying it would add provisions onto deals that wouldn t pass muster on their own. i m concerned that we re rushing too quickly that will have major economic consequences. all of the evidence that i ve seen is that this hurts middle class incomes and i can t be forward in that regard. reporter: the bill would give congress an up or down vote with no amendments on a deal that would authorize the white house to create the largest trade agreement in american history. the transpacific partnership, a sweeping 12-country pact
including partners like australia, japan, mexico and canada. the trade agreement i m proposing would actually strengthen our ability to force other markets open and strengthen our position compared to where we are right now. and i think we ll get there because it s hard for me to imagine the democrats here in the house or senate are going to walk away from their president. reporter: the deal could also have serious political implications for 2016. while gop presidential candidate marco rubio has addressed strong support democrat hillary clinton hasn t decided. in her memoir hard choices, clinton seemed to back the partnership when she wrote it s safe to say that the ttp won t be perfect but its higher standards if implemented and enforced should benefit american businesses and workers. but her spokesman seems to be dialing back that sentiment saying that the former secretary will be watching chosely to see