is another busload of illegal immigrants from the southern border dropped off in the nation s capital tonight as washington mayor muriel bowser get an invitation from texas governor greg abbott to come on down and survey the situation at the border first end. speak of the house nancy pelosi meeting with taiwan s president tonight amid heightened tensions with china over her visit. we begin tonight at the big board with a deep dive into tonight s primary results from the five states around the country. special report anchor bret baier joins us. we got a good night on the board because been a busy one. we ve all been waiting for the big numbers coming in out whilst. in arizona, let s look at the governor s race first there. we just got a big vote dump in arizona, and here you see the breakdown. about 60% in. can tailor robes ahead of carry like the remember this battle. but this is a former vice president mike pence endorsed robeson, former president trump and west lake. this
a 12 year manhunt came to an end in august of 2020 after investigators tracked him down hiding out with family members who have since been arrested and charged with harboring a known fugitive. the term honor killing has been a lightning rod description of the crime in which a woman is murdered by a relative to protect her family s honor. according to reports, a family member told investigators that he had threatened bodily harm after learning one of his daughter was going on a date with a nonmuslim. he has denied killing his daughters of his defense attorney telling jurors tuesday. for being a muslim in 2008. evidence shows that the evidence will not support a conviction because the prosecutors are not seeking the death penalty in this case the ago he would automatically receive a life sentence if convicted. the trial continues wednesday percussion end. for one laura, thank you so much of a coming up, pandemic inspired outdoor dining turned