CLASS OF 1961 Bald Eagle Area’s Class of 1961 will gather for a reunion dinner at the T/A Truck Stop near Milesburg on Saturday, Aug. 5, at 5 p.m. All class
YARD SALES Dunnstown Yard Sales are this weekend, July 28-29. McElhattan Community Yard Sales are coming up on Aug. 4-5 this year. Mark your calendar th
YARD SALES 100 Mile yard sale (Quehanna area) will be held today and tomorrow. My brother is working a construction job at the Quehanna Boot Camp and said tha
WEEKEND EVENTS Way Fruit Farm in Port Matilda is having their third annual Art in the Orchard Craft Show today, July 14, and tomorrow. Craft vendors and live
BENEFIT BINGO There will be benefit Bingos this weekend at the KBR Bingo facility, Piper Way, Lock Haven. The July 8 Bingo will benefit Mark Allen, who is rec