Richmond County is rezoning properties in Point Tupper to pave the way for new green energy projects. At last night’s regular monthly meeting in Arichat, Richmond Municipal Council approved recommendations from its Planning Advisory/Heritage Committee regarding industrial zones. The recommendations, which came from the Eastern District Planning Commission, called for…
The Peace River Regional District (PRRD) is holding a public hearing to discuss amendments to a zoning bylaw that would change the designation of a property type.
There is a plan in motion to eventually build a 26,970 square foot one story warehouse and 14,124 square foot non-medical office building in Toms River after the township planning board approved a resolution at a recent meeting.
There is a plan in motion to eventually build a 26,970 square foot one story warehouse and 14,124 square foot non-medical office building in Toms River after the township planning board approved a resolution at a recent meeting.
There is a plan in motion to eventually build a 26,970 square foot one story warehouse and 14,124 square foot non-medical office building in Toms River after the township planning board approved a resolution at a recent meeting.