07/25/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/24/2021 22:36
Flood relief operations by the three Services in Maharashtra, Karnataka & Goa
Ministry of Defence
Posted On: 25 JUL 2021 9:59AM by PIB Delhi
Key highlights:
rescue &relief operations
Indian Navy teams evacuate over 200 people in Karnataka
Around 400 NDRF personnel airlifted to affected areas by Indian Air Force
More rescue teams &aircraft on standby
The three Services have joined hands with the civil administration and National as well as the State Disaster Management Authorities in relief and rescue operations in flood-affected areas of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa. Working in close coordination with the administrations of worst-hit Ratnagiri, Kolhapur and Sanglidistricts of Maharashtra, the Indian Army has deployed Task Forces, comprising Infantry, Engineers, Communication, Recovery and Medical teams in the affected areas.The teams conducted rescue and relief operations and saved precious lives in Chi