The south superstar Vijay Deverakonda recently shared a picture of himself which is enough to shut all the trollers out there. After the epic failure of Liger at the box office, the actor was trolled a lot and now he has a befitting answer to them.
Liger Box Office Collection: Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday s film shows no growth in its second week of release. The numbers are falling by the day making it hard for the film to sustain in cinema halls.
Liger Box Office Collection: Vijay Deverakonda was not able to earn even a crore on the 12th day of its release. Given the low collections, the film is finding it hard to sustain itself in the theaters.
Liger Box Office Collection: Vijay Deverakonda-Ananya Panday s film has tanked at the ticket window. Made on a budget believed to be around Rs 100 crore, Liger seems to stare at the possibility of not being able to recover the investment.