The Piano Man is bidding farewell to Madison Square Garden.On Thursday, Billy Joel announced that he is ending his historic monthly residency at the iconic New York City venue in 2024. Following his final show, Joel will have played the venue 150 times."I'm kind of flabbergasted that it lasted as long as it did. My team tells me that we could continue to sell tickets, but ten years, 150 shows – all right already," the 74-year-old singer said in a statement."I do remember the first time we played
"It s a wonderful opportunity to say thank you for your service. It s a hand up, not a handout, to someone who s very deserving. . We take their house and make
i ll ask her what casey s really like. and what she ll do when she goes free this sunday. also tonight, hugh hefner. live and world exclusive. remember this? and i think you ve got a scoop for me. you re going to reveal the date of the wedding. the date of the wedding, can i tell him? sure. it is june 18th. june the 18th this year, saturday. sadly, we know how that worked out. hef breaks his silence on the runaway bride. and he ll be introducing me to his new loves. this is piers morgan tonight. casey anthony will be a free woman in days. sunday she ll be released after being found not guilty in the death of her 2-year-old daughter caylee. joining me now is the woman who was at her side throughout that infamous trial. attorney dorothy clay sims. when i say infamous, it s attracting so much attention. so much speculation. and as you will be very aware, a lot of negativity towards your client. what was your overview? were you even remotely surprised at the verdict