Recently the small town of Kutch Mandvi moved all the way from the western coast of India to Gurgaon where Bunny and I live. It wasn’t a cataclysmic tectonic plate shift. It involved merely the.
At Mumbai the unveiling of Bengal modernist and mentor Gopal Ghose at DAG is the stuff of art history canons and grammar. Ghose the famed mentor from Govt College of Art Calcutta is often mentioned.
The other day, a man named Laddu Pinto called me. He said, “I don’t have a job, nor do I have enough money, but I want to grow in life.” I said, “Go and grab.
What else is there to think about? Money is power. Everybody is thinking of money, don’t be worried. Even those who are thinking of the other world…they have different coins, but they too are thinking.
Drug abuse, a global menace today, affects the society at all levels ranging from an individual person to the socio-economic well-being of a country. Its infiltration doesn’t seem to spare even the younger generation of.