didn t see a blue wave. neither side seeing historic numbers come out for them, really, a lot of these races were neck and neck. i want to shift over to the east coast, and i know we re waiting for the west coast returns to come in. but republicans did a lot of damage, especially in states like new york, including taking the d triple c s chair seat. sean patrick maloney s chair. do you think he failed democrats this cycle? no, quite the opposite. normally, historically, the party in power takes a s shellacking, using obama s words in the midterm. it didn t happen and quite the opposite instead of losing seats we may very well wind up continuing to be in control of the house of representatives, that is a remarkable change from the historic pattern of the past. so, no, sean patrick didn t do did a good job.
team herschell in georgia and that s where our focus is because those votes have yet to be cast and we can make a great influence on that. griff: senator, are you disappointed by the results? there was so much talk about red waves and republicans were favored in many polls like issues like inflation, economy the border, but yet, the results don t seem to be there, what do you make of it? i would say it s definitely a letdown for those of us who were speculating that we could get 52 and 53 seats. but at the same time, we have to look at how these seats laid out. it s very difficult to beat an incumbent senator. a state like pennsylvania is always very, very difficult for republicans. so i guess we should have had a reality check looking at this and realizing that we were still as republicans, the playing field wags not tilted in our favor, but i admit to being disappointed, but we re going to fight through this, hopefully the house will hold, and that we ll be able to stop
victory is getting narrowing. and 20 to 30,000 votes in clark county and saying, quote, if they are g.o.p. precincts or slightly dem leaning, then we can still win. if they continue to trend heavy dem, then she will overtake us. thanks for all the prayers from millions of nevadans and americans who hope we can still take back the senate and start taking our country back. the good news for republicans is that they did take back the governor s office here in nevada. sheriff joe lombardo the republican candidate relatively easily beating in the end, democratic incumbent steve sisolak. he made no mention of any allegations of fraud, no indication that he will pursue the kind of claims he made on behalf of president trump in 2020, and frankly, given that
telling the american public that illegal is not illegal anymore, and we have open borders, and we can t tolerate that. that s not fair and it s not right. griff: senator, i ve got to ask you while we have you, about your colleague, senator joe manchin and there s much talk about whether he could consider switching parties because, obviously, the republicans being favored issues like the border and energy policies, which your colleague, senator manchin was just crossed with the white house. what do you know about that and what do you anticipate lies ahead? i think the white house through president biden s own statements are opposed to what s happening in west virginia, we re an energy state and we want to power the country. i m hesitant to talk for senator manchin, he will not change parties, he s told me that personally, i don t think that that s anything that he would consider seriously, but
trading blows over personal and policy attacks. charles watson is live in atlanta with the latest. hey, charles. good afternoon, griff. this race is heating up. republicans pretty much have all hand on deck to try to get hershel walker a victory over incumbent, democratic senator rafael warnock. it s expected to be a tight runoff in georgia. national republicans are leaning on georgia governor brian kemp to help with those efforts. he s loans his get out the vote machine, addresses, voter data, targeting programs, phone banks, all of which minority leader mitch mcconnell s super pac will reported bye spend $2 million on. and republicans are also taking a page from kemp play book, a hollywood elite and similar to the governor as his reelection bid against stacey abrams.