This “Free Book” for our “Beloved American People” is over 750 pages long, with many pictures, and explains what has happened to the Dream that is America
Mike Ledbetter, former Tank Commander and Texan Native, is proud to announce the launch of his Presidential Campaign and intent to run for the 2024 Presidential
Mike Ledbetter, former Tank Commander and Texan Native, is proud to announce the launch of his Presidential Campaign and intent to run for the 2024 Presidential
threatening to pack the court if things don t go the way that democratic senators want threats to to to do any number of things. so it s part of a pattern that you ve seen on the left which you don t see t on the right. and i think that s why many people assume that this is yet another attempt to bully justices away from this decision about meghan. preet bharara, former u.s. attorney of the southernto district of new york went . strict of new york went not too great a stretch to saysa there is some connection betweenyon an effort to overturd an election and an effort to overturn roe . in and it sg this as i ve been thinking about it, there is a segment of the ideological spectrum now who thinks it hashi certain kinds of powers and wants to engage in radical efforts to overturns things that they don t like. there s no incrementalism. there s no more compromise,. you don t like the results of an election. you storm the capitol and you talkgi about hanging the vice president of the united
tenured supreme court justices are insurrectionist according to a formerts us attorney. i mean, it s patently absurd these the legal decision is, reasoned legal decision is, and exhaustive bro at the time d that it was decided inventedin a right that is nowhere within the constitution. and justice alito lays that out. it s what the court did with take away a question frome the peopleis. there is a group of justicess on the supreme court today. a majority of justicest who want to return the question of who decides where the limits are on abortion to the american people, it s fundamentally democratic . it s the furthest thing from an insurrection and to call it an insurrection is absolutely insane. ng think this changes the ultimate approach of the court as the years go on and how they re going to deliberate on cases will involve clerks in the process? k i think in this particular