Mr. Blumenauer its come to this. Republicans are poised to pass the largest transfer of wealth in our nations history financed by mortgaging our childrens future with a mountain of increased debt. Whats wrong with this picture . Well, first of all, nobody really knows everything thats in this bill. Its been written over the last few days to satisfy donors and win the final few votes necessary for senate passage. It is not tax reform. Its not even a policy. Its a collection of special interest provision being sold on a false sense of promises. Its decidedly not middleclass tax relief. Its permanent, massive tax reduction for the largest corporations and wealthy individuals. Every independent expert agrees and the American Public understands that the benefits of this bill flow not primarily to the middle class but to people like donald trump. The vast majority of americans get little and temporary tax reduction. Only to see the bottom 80 of our taxpayers on average actually facing a tax
Say can i go back. Because the students are some of the, you know, most intellectually stunning people ive ever had the opportunity to be around. And they so the faculty, you know, has not theyre jumping at it. Yeah, and many instructors ive talked to had the occasion of teach anything prison and outside, you know, talk about the level of focus, commitment, he had dedication, air not distract bid iphon distracted by iphones. How are the Second Chance pilots ensuring they meet labor market demands . This gets to your idea that you distinction between job training and education per se. Any you you can answer this. We are proud and excited, happy, Second Chance pell sight. Im really excited to be coordinating the partnership between the three cuny institutions. For us, we will, in putting the application together, weve looked at what Employment Opportunities there were in new york. We went to the department of labor and looked at where the Growth Industries were. And then we worked with o
Say can i go back. Because the students are some of the, you know, most intellectually stunning people ive ever had the opportunity to be around. And they so the faculty, you know, has not theyre jumping at it. Yeah, and many instructors ive talked to had the occasion of teach anything prison and outside, you know, talk about the level of focus, commitment, he had dedication, air not distract bid iphon distracted by iphones. How are the Second Chance pilots ensuring they meet labor market demands . This gets to your idea that you distinction between job training and education per se. Any you you can answer this. We are proud and excited, happy, Second Chance pell sight. Im really excited to be coordinating the partnership between the three cuny institutions. For us, we will, in putting the application together, weve looked at what Employment Opportunities there were in new york. We went to the department of labor and looked at where the Growth Industries were. And then we worked with o
Say can i go back. Because the students are some of the, you know, most intellectually stunning people ive ever had the opportunity to be around. And they so the faculty, you know, has not theyre jumping at it. Yeah, and many instructors ive talked to had the occasion of teach anything prison and outside, you know, talk about the level of focus, commitment, he had dedication, air not distract bid iphon distracted by iphones. How are the Second Chance pilots ensuring they meet labor market demands . This gets to your idea that you distinction between job training and education per se. Any you you can answer this. We are proud and excited, happy, Second Chance pell sight. Im really excited to be coordinating the partnership between the three cuny institutions. For us, we will, in putting the application together, weve looked at what Employment Opportunities there were in new york. We went to the department of labor and looked at where the Growth Industries were. And then we worked with o
Say can i go back. Because the students are some of the, you know, most intellectually stunning people ive ever had the opportunity to be around. And they so the faculty, you know, has not theyre jumping at it. Yeah, and many instructors ive talked to had the occasion of teach anything prison and outside, you know, talk about the level of focus, commitment, he had dedication, air not distract bid iphon distracted by iphones. How are the Second Chance pilots ensuring they meet labor market demands . This gets to your idea that you distinction between job training and education per se. Any you you can answer this. We are proud and excited, happy, Second Chance pell sight. Im really excited to be coordinating the partnership between the three cuny institutions. For us, we will, in putting the application together, weve looked at what Employment Opportunities there were in new york. We went to the department of labor and looked at where the Growth Industries were. And then we worked with o